Top 5 tips for how tradesmen can find new customers
Top 5 tips for how tradesmen can find new customers

Top 5 tips for how tradesmen can find new customers

If you’re a tradesman, finding new customers can be tough. You’ve probably tried a few traditional methods, like advertising in the local paper or putting up flyers in your neighbourhood, but you’re not getting the results you want. Luckily, there are a few other ways to find new customers.

Here are a few tips for finding new customers as a tradesman:

1. Get involved in your local community

One of the best ways to find new customers is to get involved in your local community. Attend local events, join local clubs or organisations, and get to know your neighbours. People are more likely to use your services if they know, like and trust you.

2. Use online directories

There are a number of online directories that list tradesmen in your area. Make sure you’re listed in as many of these as possible. Include your contact details and a brief description of your services.

3. Use online tools

There are a number of online tools that can help you find new customers. For example, Google AdWords allows you to target potential customers in your area with targeted ads. Social media can also be a great way to connect with potential customers.

4. Get referrals

One of the best ways to find new customers is to get referrals from existing customers. Ask your satisfied customers if they know anyone who could use your services. If they give you a referral, be sure to thank them with a discount or other incentive.

5. Offer discounts

Another great way to find new customers is to offer discounts. Offer a discount for first-time customers or for customers who refer someone to you. This will help you attract new business while also saving your existing customers money.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to find new customers as a tradesman.